Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Motivating Student Participation

Wow I know that I have been seriously slacking in the updates but I will work on it. This is going into our third week of school and I feel like my kids are still a bit messy and cluttered. Grrr!! Hopefully I will be able to whip them into 4th grade shape sooner rather than later.

Anyways I was writing briefly this time because I am interested in some ideas for getting students motivated to participate. I always (like most of you) have the same group of 4 students who are constantly paying attention, constantly have their hand raised, and are aware of the class discussion. I know that there are others who know the answer or are paying attention but I can't seem to get them to participate their responses or thoughts. What types of motivation or rewards do you use to promote student participation? I saw those smart beads on pinterest but are people just giving out Mardi Gras beads and calling them smart beads or are they more bedazzled than that? Please help and any suggestions would be super beneficial!! Thanks in advance!!

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